To feed and inspire the world one can at a time!

Manasc Isaac

A Hungry Cat is a Grumpy Cat


img-logos-teams-manascisaacMEOW everyone knows that hunger is nothing to smile about, especially Grumpy Cat!

At Manasc Isaac we have the PURR-fect chance to turn that famous feline frown upside down – FURR real! Together we CAN make a difference to those less forTUNAte than us. We are PAWS-itive that with the right CAT­-itude, we CAN make HISS-tory and avoid a hunger CAT-astrophe!


Emmett Gallagher, Team Captain
Julia Booth
Kent McKay
Gloria Alamrew
Karamjit Grewal

Special Thanks to: Mike Turner, Roland Hoath, Tania Rolph, Josh Johnson, Rob Mark, Steve Vallerand, Miguel Queponds, Brendan Trayner, Ishtiaque Ahmed, and Veronica Hernandez, Ana-Dora Matei, Jackie Camp.

Special Thank You to:
Ray Repka from Save On Foods, Strathcona for their generous contribution.

Manuel Poehlau for donating a 3D model of Grumpy Cat as the basis for our sculpture.

Also, a special thank you goes out to Manasc Isaac Architects!