Manasc Isaac
We CAN Rise Above Hunger
Soaring above and away into the clouds, our hot air balloon proves that we CAN rise above hunger. This balloon isn’t full of hot air, it CANtains a balanced and filling meal. We have an oppor-TUNA-ty to make a difference. Hop on board with us and let your charitable spirit soar. Salm-one once said, if you teach a man to fish he’ll eat for a lifetime; but in landlocked Alberta, we CAN start by giving a man a fish through efforts like CANstruction. The flight to a hunger-free world isn’t dependent on weather CANditions. You don’t need a hot air balloon to share some food from your basket. You’ll do good and feel like you are floating past cloud nine.
Julia Booth, Captain
Ishtiaque Ahmed
Gloria Alamrew
Kent Mackay
Steven Sookdeo
Special Thanks to our other team members:
Mohammad Abtahi, Lisa Mentz, Brendan Trayner, Rob Mark, and Mike Turner.