To feed and inspire the world one can at a time!

Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd.

 Juror's Favouriteimg-awards-peoples-choice

Kool Aid Man CAN Break the Walls of Hunger!!

img-logos-teams-associatedengineeringAll the superheroes have gathered at the Hall of Heroes in search of a formidable force to fight off the Evil Hunger. After a considerable time, with no answer in sight, Superman asked in desperation, “Who can help save the world from Hunger?!” Immediately, Kool Aid Man burst through the wall yelling, “OH YEAAAAAH!!! Kool Aid Man CAN Help! Kool Aid Man CAN provide Food Aid to those less fortunate!”

The superheroes were hesitant at first but Kool Aid Man reassured them by naming a few of his superpowers. “I burst through walls and I quench thirst! On a hot sunny day, no one yells for Batman, Superman or Spiderman, they all yell for KoolAid!”

Kool Aid Man makes the impossible possible. How else can you explain how a glass bowl of fruit punch can burst through brick walls!?

“Drink Kool Aid, and follow my lead!”

Marie Rudiak, Team Captain
Brett Wynnyk
Lisbeth Medina 
Mark Scanlon

Special Thanks to our other team members: 
Elizabeth DeVries, Jed Lim, Milada Majumdar, Phyllis Obst, Paul Dedeluk, Nicholai Kristel, Jackie Mykytiuk, Kelvin Danyluk and Kerri Hildebrandt.


Also, a special Thank You goes out to Associated Engineering Ltd.